Friday, January 21, 2011

Be Fucking Proud of Yourself

a performance created by Julia Wallace
performed by Jennifer Tyburczy
performed at Come As You Are
DiverseWorks, September 2010

photo by Hilary Sculane

In this performance the audience was given pieces of paper that asked them to write down a sexual act that they have done that they are very proud of. The papers were collected. Volunteers from the audience picked out papers randomly and read them for the crowd. In response, the audience clapped and cheered excitedly.

This performance explores the feeling of pride that often accompanies sex. It will give the audience a chance to be congratulated for a job well done, and perhaps create a kind of intimacy through the sharing of private moments. This piece also subverts any guilt or embarrassment that may come from these private moments, by making them anonymous, and giving the audience a chance to be proud of something, and get attention for something, that they may be uncomfortable announcing any other way.

Very Special Thanks to Jennifer for performing this piece for me!