Friday, May 20, 2011

Hidden Pussy

a performance by Julia Claire Wallace
performed in May 2011

In this piece I hid picture postcards of my genitalia in my workplace, as well as other people's workplace. I also sold limited edition pussy postcards at the opening so that others would have the opportunity to hide a pussy in their workplace.

Special thanks to John Zambrano

Thursday, May 19, 2011

A Personal Experience

a performance conceived by Julia Claire Wallace
performed by Julia Claire Wallace and Continuum at the Ponderosa
participants: Koomah, Bryce Galbraith, Sway Youngston, Eric Ling, Kris Smith, David Davis, and Jonatan Lopez

This is a performance about art, about sharing things with other people, about creating for eachother, about personal experience.

I created a personal light and sound show for each participant by manually manipulating their visual and auditory senses. The other participants helped by creating sounds that I directed for each personal show.

photos by Continuum

This piece was reperformed by Julia and Continuum at the Meditation Lounge, using breath as the sound.

Video by Raindawg.

Monday, May 16, 2011


April 2011
a performance by Julia Wallace
This piece was performed on the Graustark Bridge over Houston's major freeway Interstate 59. I appeared as the Virgin Mary for the traffic, holding my baby Lily, and nursing her when she was hungry.

photos by Craig Hart Christie Jr.
video by Jonatan Lopez
facilitated by Continuum